daughters, Louisa, Isabell, Mary, Ann, and bBeatrix/b. He died in. 1716, in the 45th year of his age. He was the last of the power_ ful lords of Duart He was succeeded in his titles by his only son. Hector. 20. Sir Hector was born at Calais in 1703. He was a well- b...../b Chieftain of the Clann Thearlaich, married Elizabeth, daughter of Lachten Maclean, of the family of Kingerloch. He had three sons, Allan, Charles-Maxwell, and William. He parted with his bestate/b in 1832. ...
Pour Hawk, ferais un effort avec 32 mais il serais capable de repasser par bBertrix/b, Saint-Hubert, .... et sa femme serait pas d'accord Twisted Evil (surtout maintenant qu'il doit se tenir correct comme ... p?re de famille). b.../b